Monday, December 12, 2016

Thank you WARP Professors!

Thank you to all the WARP professors, I learned so much from all of you! Thank you  for your patience, advice, and time. I hope to have you all as teachers again ! You are all truly amazing, have a great winter break! I'll see you all in the Spring ! 

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Final In Depth - Narrative - Got Misery? - The milk industry

got misery?

My narrative goes in depth of the milk industry and all the lies and
deceit  companies spread to the world. My goal is to show the world what is really
Happening behind close factory doors.

I made a tag for each of my teachers and numbered them hopefully it is obvious why you all got your 
Number when they are all next to eachother if not try calling Jenny 😜

Monday, November 28, 2016

In Depth Package Process

This video is my objects I am using and how I am going to set the up this is the process they still have  a lot of work to go, this video also shows the relationship between the zine and objects 

In this video  I am working on my syringes just paint and water not actual blood lol!!that i will be putting in the milk bottles to represent all the hormones and blood and pus is actually in milk. 

Milk bottle process in the making the syrgines and the resin in the milk bottles!! And finished result at end 

Video of resin luckily it's sped up and you can't really see my big mistake ! And mess and cursing lol 

The Whole process is in this video~

Sunday, November 27, 2016

Zine Process

This was my original sketch for my Zine and how I was planning to set it up. 

And these are some ideas on how I am going to wrap them.

I made my Zine on PowerPoint so the first time I printed it, it didn't print correctly when I folded it so I had to re-due the pages and print again  so below is a video of my first zine I made and printed. It is not the final version so it has some mistakes and I re made it about 5 times.

                             This is what they looked like not printed but this is not the final version.

                                                           (back)                                  (cover)  

                                                       (p.8)                                             (p.1)

                                                       (p.2)                                          (p.7)

                                                              (p.6)                                   (p.3)

                                                            (p.4)                                    (p.5)

After talking to Ralph he told me to be more subtle and get rid of most of  the text and let the pictures speak for themselves. Which is what I am going to try to do in my Final version Zine. 

Component C/C- Container and Context - Package Proposal

 This was my original sketch of how I wanted my box/container/package to look. sorta like a barn. I originally wanted it made of wood but then later decided metal would be better, I'll write more about that below.

 Sorry for all the really bad doodles but that's how I work usually I start building pretty quickly. These are different ways i thought of putting everything in my box.

This was my final decision on how I'm going to set it up. 

 This is my check list of some of the stuff I need to get. 

Ralph's suggestions.

I originally planned to make a wooden dome shaped box that opens but my topic is about the milk industry and animal rights so when talking to Ralph about my ideas he suggested using lunchboxes the old school metal ones. Metal because they are cold and wood is more warming and homey and that is definitely not a factory farm. I think the lunch boxes work on two levels they kinda are shaped like a barn but at the same time its like a lunch and I'm sure a lot of peoples lunches consist of dairy or meat products. I found the perfect ones to use for my art pieces. 

Final Product:

The boxes latch shut which I think works good because it can symbolize how cows are locked up. (the bag next to the lunchboxes s a bunch of little cows I will be using)

Monday, November 21, 2016

Book Fair video !

Miami Book Fair 2016

I'm not sure if my other videos work so I posted a link to it also !! Check it out fun times at the book fair!