Monday, December 12, 2016

Thank you WARP Professors!

Thank you to all the WARP professors, I learned so much from all of you! Thank you  for your patience, advice, and time. I hope to have you all as teachers again ! You are all truly amazing, have a great winter break! I'll see you all in the Spring ! 

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Final In Depth - Narrative - Got Misery? - The milk industry

got misery?

My narrative goes in depth of the milk industry and all the lies and
deceit  companies spread to the world. My goal is to show the world what is really
Happening behind close factory doors.

I made a tag for each of my teachers and numbered them hopefully it is obvious why you all got your 
Number when they are all next to eachother if not try calling Jenny 😜

Monday, November 28, 2016

In Depth Package Process

This video is my objects I am using and how I am going to set the up this is the process they still have  a lot of work to go, this video also shows the relationship between the zine and objects 

In this video  I am working on my syringes just paint and water not actual blood lol!!that i will be putting in the milk bottles to represent all the hormones and blood and pus is actually in milk. 

Milk bottle process in the making the syrgines and the resin in the milk bottles!! And finished result at end 

Video of resin luckily it's sped up and you can't really see my big mistake ! And mess and cursing lol 

The Whole process is in this video~

Sunday, November 27, 2016

Zine Process

This was my original sketch for my Zine and how I was planning to set it up. 

And these are some ideas on how I am going to wrap them.

I made my Zine on PowerPoint so the first time I printed it, it didn't print correctly when I folded it so I had to re-due the pages and print again  so below is a video of my first zine I made and printed. It is not the final version so it has some mistakes and I re made it about 5 times.

                             This is what they looked like not printed but this is not the final version.

                                                           (back)                                  (cover)  

                                                       (p.8)                                             (p.1)

                                                       (p.2)                                          (p.7)

                                                              (p.6)                                   (p.3)

                                                            (p.4)                                    (p.5)

After talking to Ralph he told me to be more subtle and get rid of most of  the text and let the pictures speak for themselves. Which is what I am going to try to do in my Final version Zine. 

Component C/C- Container and Context - Package Proposal

 This was my original sketch of how I wanted my box/container/package to look. sorta like a barn. I originally wanted it made of wood but then later decided metal would be better, I'll write more about that below.

 Sorry for all the really bad doodles but that's how I work usually I start building pretty quickly. These are different ways i thought of putting everything in my box.

This was my final decision on how I'm going to set it up. 

 This is my check list of some of the stuff I need to get. 

Ralph's suggestions.

I originally planned to make a wooden dome shaped box that opens but my topic is about the milk industry and animal rights so when talking to Ralph about my ideas he suggested using lunchboxes the old school metal ones. Metal because they are cold and wood is more warming and homey and that is definitely not a factory farm. I think the lunch boxes work on two levels they kinda are shaped like a barn but at the same time its like a lunch and I'm sure a lot of peoples lunches consist of dairy or meat products. I found the perfect ones to use for my art pieces. 

Final Product:

The boxes latch shut which I think works good because it can symbolize how cows are locked up. (the bag next to the lunchboxes s a bunch of little cows I will be using)

Monday, November 21, 2016

Book Fair video !

Miami Book Fair 2016

I'm not sure if my other videos work so I posted a link to it also !! Check it out fun times at the book fair!

Sunday, November 20, 2016

Book fair Lecture #2 Keith Knight

The second lecture I went to was They Shoot black people, Don't they? What this lecture was about, a cartoonist named Keith Knight. Who showed a slideshow of his cartoons that show brutality and injustices towards black people. He basically shows 20 years or more of police brutality and racial injustice in the US. A few of the comics he showed had a bow up doll Wilbur, he would put five black people on the road and it would be considered a gang but if they were holding the blowup Wilbur doll it was like they were with a coach or something.

He really hits you hard with his comics and makes you think. He talked about how white people get uncomfortable talking about race and within 6 seconds change the subject and he says how we need to end this and we need to face the awkwardness, and I agree. We are getting nowhere pretending like nothing is wrong if you got something to say or ask I think you should. We have to learn from our past and our mistakes to fix our future. I think he does an excellent job through his comics showing the tragicomedy he talks about something so serious but then he puts it in a funny way. It really makes me think how I could do that with my art. How to make something so terrible and make it funny and both make you laugh and think at the same time.

Book Fair Lecture #1 Tom Hart

      The first lecture I went to was the Child's eye view, the panel consisted of three authors, Meags Fitzgerald who wrote Long red hair, which basically is her life story about her being a lesbian. It was how she differed from her friends. What I found most interesting was that she didn't tell her whole family only her immediate family not her extended family that she was a lesbian. She used her book as a way to come out to the world. She also talked about how it was her fist comic actually using panels, I found his interesting because I don't think comics need to be framed in a panels to tell a story. She also only used two speech bubbles in her entire book, which to me showed that you don't need characters always talking to get the message of the story across.

       Another author on the panel was Emil Ferris. who wrote the book My favorite thing is monsters , what is like about this comic is that she is writing from a little girls point of view she also used a lot of horror movie things she saw in her graphic novel. The last author in the panel was Tom Hart who wrote Rosalie Lightening: A Graphic Memoir. He talked a lot about how he was inspired by Peanuts comics and always did very funny comics. But after his daughter died he decided to do a serious graphic memoir of her life. What I took from this was you can be a very uplifting person but if you have love or passion for something you will show it and describe it and write about it to tell the world how you feel.

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Small works #2

Small Work #2 DUE: Sentences and half-page panels associated with Story-Building exercise

Sunday, November 6, 2016

In Depth: Invisible Cities - Eusapia

My city was  Eusapia  to make the leap from life to death less abrupt, the inhabitants have constructed an identical copy of their city, underground. All corpses, dried in such a way that the skeleton remains sheathed in yellow skin, are carried down there, to continue their former activities. 

the line that attracted me to this city was "a girl with a laughing skull milks the carcass of a heifer."

 The job of accompanying the dead down below and arranging them in the desired place is assigned to a confraternity of hooded brothers. No one else has access to the Eusapia of the dead and everything known about it has been learned from them.

 Since this piece is about the size of me and weighs about 100 pounds it was very hard to travel with especially just getting it to train i had to lay it in my car so couldnt have alot of stuff on one of the sides. Since in my city all the people were very obsessed with their daily jobs I had said everyone was at work and so I made an empty street showing that everyone was at work. And also put 3 people going to work but are  a little late. My story also talks about the hooded brothers so I had one of the hooded brothers driving a hearse which he transports the dead to the underground city and makes them to look like they are still working. 

On this side of the city the "living" dead are all propped up doing what they were previously doing before they died. I used leggos because in the story it talks about how something is different they go down like the dead was rearranging stuff and Legos are very easy to change and move. I didn't like how it turned out. So I am going to continue working on my city to make it look better. Also you will notice that the hooded brothers are scattered throughout the city keeping an eye out. One is meeting with the hearse to transport the dead to the city!

Traveling with this huge thing! What a mission and a WORKOUT!

"What is Comics Poetry?" Reading/Response

What is Comic Poetry: is an essay that was written by Alexander Rothman (editor-in-chief of INK BRICK). In this essay he basically tells us what he thinks comic poetry is and how he would define it. He makes it clear throughout the essay that these our his opinions and that views and that it can be a little bit broad. In the essay he defines poetry as "the purest example of a form where the medium is language." And later goes on to define comics as "a form built from visual language, with juxtaposition as its foundational strategy."

Rothman throughout the essay talks about comic poetry and how we understand it. I never really thought about it but when you read comics they take you to that place you can imagine the whole scene like you were actually there. For example in the essay he put in a little cartoon by Warren Craghead its a drawing of a cannon with to outline figures that we perceive ghostly, and above in cursive it says "listen" in my head I actually imagined a cannon being shot. Its crazy to me how we can easily perceive certain fonts or text bubbles and know that they are suppose to be thoughts or screaming, just by how it is set up.

I'm glad I read this before starting my comic poetry for class because of when he says "so much depends on a red wheel barrow" so why would you draw a wheel barrow next to that text it is dead weight. It really made me think about what I should do for my piece to not make it a duplication of text and drawing.

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Small works Garden

Homestead Gardens 

This is the video I showed in class. It explores a lot of different gardens in homestead, some videos taken on ground other videos taken from sky. I really wanted to capture all the land and space around me and show the beauty we all ignore it's all around us we just need to go out and look. In this video I saw myself as the dust flying through the wind looking at all the gardens. Eventually we all die and all that will be left is dust in the wind. But I do want to change the song to something without words. I want to create my own soundtrack to it. To make it more mine. I will post another one after I change it and I also need to edit a little more and slow stuff down instead of speeding it up. The reason I sped things up was because I didn't want the video being 15 minutes long. 

This is the extended non edited version I guess. This just has more of the videos. I took that I didn't end up putting in the video I showed in class. I didn't do much to it except put the videos together and add a song I wanted to show all the other gardens and fields I saw. Also the video features one of my handsome dogs and his a beautiful cow friend. 

Sunday, October 30, 2016

In depth process Calvinos city

At lowes getting plumbing tubing that I'm gonna use to hold my city up 

 Getting started 

Making a sandwich

Screwed in 

Measuring the center to drill hole for other tube