Wednesday, September 7, 2016

ICA Response

      Susan Te Kahurangi King's artwork is very inspirational to me. After reading her story and looking through her exhibit  and learning that she is severely autistic, I was amazed. Her art makes you want to just stop and stare, and get lost in her piece to figure out what could have been going through her head while she was making these. I like how in her art, she uses such vibrant colors. Color always attracts me and she knows how to use them very well.

      Ida Applebroog's art really speaks to me, I love how she makes art on how she feels about the role mass media plays in desensitizing the public to inequity. I also make art like this but instead of gender, sexual identity, or politics, I do animal rights. In her art and my art we both try to get people to see the ugly truth that the media and big corporations try to hide.

Edited 9/7/16

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