Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Meta Assignment: Prompt #1

1) AR and TR are most important to me because I feel like we need to see others art and do research on what we're doing so we do not mess it all up. I then think from the research we get to Ex, we need to experiment different ways of doing things or we will never learn. Within Ex, I also believe G and FR are very similar because you need to set goals in order to make something you'll be proud of, and I believe you have to be Focused when you are trying to deliver your goals. Under E though you need to use D because you should always be documentation of your work process. After you get your goals across you should show it to an audience PR, and get their opinions and thoughts and critiques of your work and finally after that you should R, reflect on what everyone told you and use it to improve on your next piece.

2) The areas I am most engaged in are by topical and artist research, exploring others art always inspires me. I also love to experiment with different techniques I love to learn new and old ways of art. The aspect I'm least engaged in is the documentation, I always forget to document every step as I'm doing something. This affects my creative process because I have a hard time recreating things or techniques because I didn't properly document every step of the way.

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