Sunday, October 30, 2016

In depth process Calvinos city

At lowes getting plumbing tubing that I'm gonna use to hold my city up 

 Getting started 

Making a sandwich

Screwed in 

Measuring the center to drill hole for other tube 

Small Works #3 Poem

3.  Prose/Poetry – Write a work of fiction or non-fiction based on your experiences on the street and/or in a garden. Any literary form is acceptable, prose or poetry, with a 15 line minimum. 

Looking up at the great sky,
All I can imagine is being up that high.
Looking down at all that green,
Oh that would be quite the dream.
I wish I was the wind,
I would just go around and spin.
I love the smell of rain,
It takes away all of my pain.
Open fields of land,
Make me feel so grand.
The mornings are filled with dew,
Make sure you're wearing your shoes.
The animals walk in herds of seven,
Oh this surely is heaven.
As we say good night,
All I can wait for is the sunlight.

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Small Works: The Street

 Finished Small Works Sculpture The Street.

Small Works: The Street Process

For the street assignment I started by walking down a very long road in homestead Florida. Out there is is mostly farm land and big patches of grass. I went for a long walk starting around 6pm and didn't come back till about 830 I wanted to see how the light would change everything I see. Which it did during the day time I find homestead incredibly beautiful but at night time it gets a little bit creepy. So for my assignment I tried to do the opposite of what was there but what I could imagine being there. I did use aspects of what I saw to make my piece.

I sat down by a canal that was on the street I was walking on, I decided to sit in the middle of the road for a while to take in both sides of the street and everything around me. I sat there for awhile until a tractor came by. But being there at night really inspired me to make my piece look a little haunted or creepy and mystical.

I started taking a lot of information down every sound sight smell taste everything! Then of course my pen ran out of ink and I wasn't gonna go all the way home to get a new one. Luckily I already drew some pictures in my sketchbook and wrote down a lot. But I wanted to write more so I kept taking down notes but on my phone in the notes.

I didn't know how I wanted to do this project since my main focus is sculpture I went with that. I am a very 3D person. I made a doodle of what I wanted to do and then I made it. I feel like I draw better in 3D then 2D I don't like to be flat. Also I believe I could better execute my idea thru sculpture.

I started off by getting some plywood I had left over from the hurricane that never came. And cut it into a smaller piece. I then started to cover it in moss, I wanted to use moss because I felt like it gave it that creepy element also because where I was had really high grass so I wanted mine to look wild I and not well kept I also added some sponge like things to make it look like bushes. And I had a bag of black sand that I poured a line down the wood to make the "street" I decided to put the street in my piece because I felt it was important since I was sitting in the middle of the street taking down information!

In homestead the roads are very long and look like they never end and at night time they kind of disappear in the distance so I had the idea of making my road a dead end. 

I saw many old farm houses or just abandoned houses on my walk on the street and I felt like that could really add to the spookiness that I wanted. I started to build a little house but was a lot more work then I excepted I am still currently working on it and will replace it when I finish but till then I had this old bird house I made with my step dad years back and so I stained it and tried to beat it up and then it more into a house.

Since I was sitting near a canal I wanted to add a water element in my piece I didn't want to just make a canal so I decided to make a little swap/lake sorta of thing I found this blue tubing I had  that I thought could work well as the water . And while I was sitting on the street I noticed people fishing at canal I also watched several huge fish jump out of the water. The people never caught any fish but I saw many of them I guess laughing at the people. So I wanted to add fish fishing in the water I thought it would be funny. Also since I heard lots of animal noises around me I thought I should add an animal I might add more later. Also on my walk I noticed many tractor crossing signs and there are more tractors that go by then cars. So I decided to make an animal crossing sign because all I could hear was animals all around me. 
The tubing

Made it into a water like shape

 Added my fish and made them a little fishing pole! I am gonna go back later and add my own fish and chair made by hand. And may change the water to resin to look like water for real. 

Every house or property in homestead is blocked by a fence people out there really want there privacy there are a lot of no trespassing signs and barbwired fences trying to keep the outside out! I wanted to add a fence in my piece but a scary old looking fence I have this wire at my house that looks sorta like vines or barb wire so I used that I got so sticks and wrapped the ends of the wire on the sticks to make it a fence. 

I finally added the little house which again will be replaced in the near future                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          

Landscape Questions

  • Buckminster Fuller--When was he working?
  • Buckminster Fuller was working between 1974-1983.

  • Parco del Mostri--Where, when, what's your favorite image?
  • Parco del Mostri is located in Bomarzo, which is in northern Lazio, Italy. All of the gardens here were made in the 16th century. This is my favorite image I saw because I love animals and I love sculpture so its a perfect combination of them both.

  • Roman Forum--What function did it have? Where, when, what's your favorite image?
    The Roman Forum's function was to provide Rome with Public life they hosted many events and speeches there. It is located in the center of Rome between Palatine and Capitoline Hills. This was my favorite image because it really shows all of its beauty.

  • Boboli Garden--Where, when, what's your favorite image?

  • The Boboli Gardens is a park that is located in FlorenceItaly
    , the sculptures there date back from the 16th-18th centuries. This is my favorite image because I can imagine getting lost in this maze. I've always loved mazes.

  • Jardin du Luxembourg--Where, when, what's your favorite image?
  • Located in the 6th arrondissement of Paris is the Jardin du Luxembourg. It was created beginning in 1612 by Marie de' Medici. This is my favorite image because I find this place to be really relaxing and calming.

  • Tivoli Garden (Italy)--Where, when, what's your favorite image?
    The Villa d'Este was made in the 16th century, in Tivoli, which is near Rome.  This is my favorite image because it shows the beautiful fountains it is famous for. 

  • Bernini's Four Rivers--Where, when, what's your favorite image?
    Fountain of the Four Rivers is located in the Piazza Navona which is in Rome, Italy. It was designed in 1651 by Gian Lorenzo Bernini. This is my favorite image because even though it is the back of the piece the sculptures still have so much ddetail its amazingly beautiful. 

  • Jean Dubuffet's Jardin d'Emaille--Where, when, what's your favorite image? The artist Jean Dubuffet created this garden in 1974. He basically made an artificial garden in a garden of real trees and real nature. I really like this picture because I like how the artist made something very artificial but surround it by nature. 

  • Stowe Garden--Where, when, what's your favorite image? Stowe Garden was made in 1683, in Stowe, Buckinghamshire, England.  This is my favorite image because I think the bridge is beautiful and I just want to walk across it! 

  • Stourhead Garden--Where, when, what's your favorite image? Stourhead Garden is located in Mere, Wiltshire, England, it opened in 1725.  I really like this image because the water looks very calm and beautiful and you can tell how long ago it was made but it still looks amazing.

  • Viscaya Museum--Why is this in Miami?  What is it named after? Who is responsible for it being built?  Where, when, what's your favorite image?

  • Vizcaya Museum, is probably in Miami because of James Deering the owner. He used vizcaya as his winter home. It was made during 1914-1923. He named it Vizcaya because in English it means Biscay and it is located along the west Atlantic Biscayne Bay, in Miami, Florida. I really like this image because this is the only way I've ever seen Vizcaya is on a boat from the ocean!

  • Fairchild Tropical Garden--Why is this in Miami?  Who is it named after?  Where, when, what's your favorite image
  • Fairchild is in Miami because we have the most palms and cycads. Although the garden was established by Robert Montgomery it was named after his best friend David Fairchild, because he was a great plant explorer. It is located in Miami, Florida right next to Matheson Hammock ParkFairchild opened to the public in 1938.  I really love this picture because I think this is a very beautiful sculpture I also find it funny that its a fake flower in a huge garden full of real ones!

Sunday, October 23, 2016

Chapter One: "Green Dreams:Gardens" Reading/Response

      Chapter one Green Dreams: Gardens, to me this chapter started of a little bit confusing. The author Robert Harbison, makes a lot of metaphors and references that I didn't get, but when I did understand them it was very satisfying. To me its like the author is going between reality and dreams. The chapter is about all different gardens and how he perceives and views them. He talks a lot about all the symbolism happening in all the gardens. He goes into great depth when he is describes the gardens.
      What I enjoyed learning from this was all the different types of gardens there are in the world. The garden I envisioned the most from the reading was the Japanese sand gardens (from page 13).  I can just imagine how simple and beautiful it must be to just appreciate the natural beauty as art. This chapter really shows how art and nature collide and how people often try to mix them together.
     What I got out of this reading is that all gardens have their own meaning and have something to tell and they all differ from each other. Everything can be symbolized even if the artist has a specific meaning behind it, I feel like it is still up to the viewer to make their own narrative. This chapter really awakens me to all the space around us and for me at least makes me want to go out and reexamine everything I've seen.

Friday, October 21, 2016

Visionary Metropolis: Tony Garnier's Une Cité Industrielle - Museum visit

        Tony Garniers exhibit Visionary Metropolis was very interesting. I really enjoy how much he and Parker have in common;  the other artist we went to look at. They both explore the relationship between ubranism and ecology. Like Parker, Garnier's plans were to foster both social and environmental harmony, which I really respect.
        The exhibit consisted some of his drawings he did titled Une Cite Industrielle. His drawings were pretty much plans for an ideal city in the center of France. He demonstrates his ideas about rational design could reduce the destructiveness of the industrial development. I think his attempts to re-imagine the modern city is amazing.
        Another thing I really liked about his plans was his Health and Recreation facilities, every component of the Cite Industrielle was to promote public health. He emphasized the importance of physical fitness even by putting sports and recreational facilities in monumental buildings close to the city center.You can tell he put a lot of thought and time and care into all of this, and can see he would really cared about the well being of all the people living there. I really enjoyed this exhibit and actually went back to see it again!!