Wednesday, October 19, 2016

In depth process metamorphosis

I've been collecting plastic 6 pack rings for years whenever I see them I pick them up I find them all over the place. On the streets, in school, on the floor next to trash cans, at the beach which is the worst to see in my opinion because I just think of all the birds and fish that will get stuck in the rings and become disformed or die. I've been wanting to make something out of them for so long because I don't like throwing them out because I never know where they will end up. I encourage everyone to give them to me after use so they don't end up killing or hurting any animal somewhere.Years of collecting 

Starting to assemble them into A bigger sheet then started to create my dress. 

I want to make a dress out of 6 pack rings for the metamorphosis in depth project because I am turning trash into fashion and because to me it shows a person being trapped and suffocating in the rings, like what happens to innocent animals when people litter.

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