Saturday, October 1, 2016

The Rhinoceros from Durer to Stubbs 1515-1799 Reading Response

Durer’s rhinoceros is known to be a woodcut that Albrecht Durer made in 1515. The piece he made is based on a written description of the Indian Rhinos. He never even saw a rhino himself he just made it based on how it was described. Although his woodcut is not exactly what a rhino looks like I think he did a good job for the most part for never seeing a rhino in real life. His woodcut had the horn on the back of the animal and gave him basically armor skin and very scaly legs. Even though it had so many inaccuracies it still became very popular. 
It was the 1500s there was no google for people to just search up what a rhino was people had to imagine it themselves based on what they’ve heard from others. Today you may find it hard to imagine what that is even like because when we think of a rhino we automatically know exactly what it looks like back then they hd no idea! I wonder what I would have pictured a rhino to look like if I never actually knew what they looked like. 

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