Wednesday, October 19, 2016

The Discipline of Nature: Architect Alfred Browning Parker - Museum Visit

Going to the HistoryMiami Museum was very fun! I got there before it opened so I was the first one in so I had the whole place to myself! I went to the exhibit we were required to see and was amazed. Alfred Browning Parker the artist of the exhibit has so much pieces in there. I learned that he not only as an architect but an artist, sculptor, author, and furniture maker! It was great to look at all the different types of art he made from his drawings, models, photos, and even furnishing! The art really evolves which is really cool to see. 
Some of his paintings were in a very similar style to what I have done so I was very drawn into his work. I like how much respect Parker has for the earth and its resources his work is both moral and asetically beautiful. He was one of the first to shape the evolving of the suburban and urban landscapes in Florida. 
It is very upsetting that he is not well known now a days, I think his work was very important especially because he actually cares about the earth. Its also a disgrace that his only remaining buildings are threatened to be destroyed. We need more people like Parker who make art and help the earth at the same time.
After looking at the Parker exhibit Holli and I won tickets to the Miami Heat game because we were the only ones there and all we had to do was post a picture of the museum and tag it somewhere! So that was pretty cool! So not only did we win free tickets, we got to learn about an artist that we would have never known who grew up in Miami! I fell in love with all his work and would love to go back and look at it all again! 

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